How to Evict a Tenant: A Quick Guide

How to Evict a Tenant: A Quick Guide

Most US states do not track eviction statistics but Eviction Lab has been tracking evictions in 5 states and 27 cities since the Covid-19 pandemic started. Up to July 9th, 2021, landlords have filed for 422,432 evictions.

Landlords have to file to evict a tenant for many reasons. It may be because the tenant has not paid their rent or it could be due to poor treatment of the residence.

Have you been looking for information on how to evict a tenant? Keep reading to learn more.

Know the Laws Before You Try to Evict a Tenant

There may be many reasons that you want to get a tenant out of your residence but you should make sure you are familiar with your state's landlord-tenant laws. Each state's laws are different.

Find out what the state requirements are for giving notice. Learn what reasons you can have for evicting a tenant. Make sure you take the proper steps.

Although each state has different laws, there are some commonly acceptable reasons to evict a tenant:

  • Rent is late
  • Damage to property (outside typical wear and tear)
  • The terms of the lease are broken
  • Causing harm to others

If the reason you wish to evict a tenant does not fit in with these reasons, you may still be able to take action. Consult the landlord-tenant laws of your state.

Follow the Proper Eviction Process

Each state will have a specific process that must be followed when evicting a tenant. Although each state may have specific guidelines, some steps are standard. You should:

  • Talk with your tenants
  • Determine if you can avoid eviction
  • Provide them with a written eviction notice
  • File your eviction with the courts
  • Gather evidence
  • Attend the court date
  • Evict the tenant if you win

This process may take longer than you anticipated.

You will also need to pay legal fees.

Consider Hiring a Property Manager

If you frequently have issues with your tenants, a property management company can save you a lot of time. A property manager can deal with tenant issues.

Since a property management company deals specifically with landlord and tenant issues, they may be able to avoid evicting tenants.

The property manager will deal with issues like maintenance, rent collection, inspections, and tenant screening. When property managers deal with these factors quickly and efficiently, you are less likely to have eviction issues.

A property management company is a great investment of funds if you have more than a few residences and tenants to deal with. You won't have to worry about rent collection or repairs or other daily tasks, saving you time.

When you have a property management company take care of your tenants and your residences, you have less stress.

Reduce Eviction Troubles

If you find it stressful when you have to evict a tenant, a property manager can be your easiest solution. It's a simple matter of outsourcing the tasks that you are not as good at. That's what good business people do.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you manage your properties.

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